EasyTip: Full-Service Payments 

Payment Terms

(Last updated  22.09.2024)


These Payment Terms and Conditions (the “Payment Terms”) form part of the Agreement, as defined under the Terms of Service located at https://www.easytip.net/payment-terms. Capitalized terms used but not defined in these Payment Terms have the meanings set out in the Terms of Service. 

1. Payment Processors
1.1 Use of Payment Processors

(a) A Payment Processor is a service provider and may offer payment processing and settlement services as the agent of one or more financial institutions in the Territory. The processing and settlement of your Transactions are carried out by the Payment Processor. The Payment Processor’s role is to accept and process Card payments for Vendor Products through Transactions.

(b) EasyTip uses specific Payment Processors for Transactions as set out in Schedule 1 (Payment Processors) to these Payment Terms. You acknowledge and agree that EasyTip is not responsible for, and shall bear no liability in respect of, any network interruptions or failures or other technical issues affecting any Payment Processor that may impact the EasyTip Services.

(c) EasyTip may, in its sole discretion, change the Payment Processor who processes and settles your Transactions, at any time.

1.2 Payment Processor Terms

(a) By using the EasyTip Platform and the EasyTip Services, you confirm that you have read and agree to the applicable Payment Processor Terms. Except as provided in the following paragraph (b), in the event of any inconsistency between the terms of the Agreement and the Payment Processor Terms, the terms of the Agreement shall prevail.

(b) In the event of any inconsistency between the terms of the Agreement and any Payment Processor Terms governing payment processing and settling, the relevant Payment Processor Terms shall prevail.

2. Payment Network Rules

2.1 Customer Consent

The Vendor shall obtain the consent of its Customers to be billed for each Transaction (whether on an individual or recurrent basis) in compliance with applicable law and the applicable Payment Network Rules.

2.2 Compliance with Payment Network Rules

The Vendor shall comply with all applicable Payment Network Rules. In the event of any inconsistency between the terms of the Agreement and the applicable Payment Network Rules, the Payment Network Rules shall prevail.  

3 .Mobile Payment Systems

(a) The EasyTip Services may involve the use of the mobile payment system supported gateways set out in Schedule 2 (Supported Gateways) to these Payment Terms (collectively, “Supported Gateways”).

(b) By using any Supported Gateway, you agree and acknowledge that you shall be bound by the terms and conditions and policies of such Supported Gateway, as may be amended from time to time. Your continued use of any such Supported Gateway after any the amendments to their terms and conditions or policies, constitutes your agreement to, and acceptance of, such amended terms. If you do not agree to any changes to such terms, do not continue to use such Supported Gateway. 

4. Fees

(a) As consideration for providing the EasyTip Services, EasyTip shall charge fees in accordance with the fee schedule set out in Schedule 4 (EasyTip Fees) to these Payment Terms (the “EasyTip Fees”). EasyTip shall withhold and retain the EasyTip Fees from Settlements in accordance with Cause 7 (Settlements) of these Payment Terms. 

(b) EasyTip may revise the EasyTip Fees at any time on 30 days’ prior notice to you.  

5. EasyTip Handling of Funds

5.1 Authorization

The Vendor authorises EasyTip to hold, receive, and transfer funds on the Vendor’s behalf when such funds from the Vendor’s Transactions settle from the relevant Payment Network. You further authorize EasyTip to disburse such funds to your Vendor Account in accordance with the Agreement.

5.2 EasyTip Collection Account

The Vendor authorizes EasyTip to hold settlement funds in a deposit account at a financial institution in the Territory chosen by EasyTip in its discretion (the “Easy Tip Collection Account”) pending disbursement of the funds to you in accordance with the terms of the Agreement. The Vendor is not entitled to any interest or other compensation in relation to the funds held in the EasyTip Collection Account pending settlement to your Vendor Account. The Vendor has no right to direct any payments to or from the EasyTip Collection Account, and may not assign any interest or grant any security interest or lien in respect of the EasyTip Collection account or any funds standing to the credit of the same.

6. Vendor Account

(a) All Settlements shall be transferred by EasyTip to the Vendor by way of bank transfer from the EasyTip Collection Account to a bank account designated by the Vendor when registering for its EasyTip Account (or such other account designated by the Vendor by not less than 30 days’ notice from time to time) (the “Vendor Account”). The Vendor Account must be held with a bank in the Territory and held in the name of the Vendor.

(b) The Vendor agrees that EasyTip will not be responsible or liable for any incorrect banking or other account information provided by the Vendor.

7. Settlements

(a) All Settlements shall be disbursed to the Vendor by way of bank transfer from the EasyTip Collection Account to your Vendor Account. Funds for any given Transaction will not be transferred to your Vendor Account until the Transaction is deemed complete. Transactions will be deemed complete when: (i) EasyTip has received funds settling from the relevant Payment Network; and (ii) EasyTip and the financial institution with which the EasyTip Collection Account is held has accepted such funds.

(b) In respect of each Transaction, EasyTip shall transfer funds settling from the relevant Payment Network to your Vendor Account in the amount actually received, less: (i) the applicable EasyTip Fees; (ii) Chargebacks; and (iii) other funds owed to EasyTip for any reason as set out in the Agreement (such amount, the “Settlement”).

(c) You acknowledge that all credits for funds provided to you are provisional and subject to reversal including if there are adjustments for inaccuracies and errors (including rejects) and Chargebacks, Reversals, or Claims in accordance with the Agreement and the applicable Payment Network Rules, whether or not a Transaction is charged back by the issuer or the holder of the Card. Accordingly, you authorize us to initiate reversal or adjustment (debit or credit) entries to the Reserve Account and to initiate or suspend such entries in accordance with this Agreement as may be necessary to grant or reverse provisional credit for any Transaction.

(d) EasyTip shall bear the costs of the initial transfer from the EasyTip Collection Account to your Vendor Account.  However, EasyTip shall not bear any other costs related to the transfer, including any charges, costs or fees imposed by any local bank or intermediary bank, resulting from currency exchange or forex operations, or otherwise imposed by any financial institution or governmental authority. Accordingly, the total amount received by the Vendor may be reduced by the amount of such charges, costs and fees. 

(e) After each Settlement to your Vendor Account, we will update your EasyTip Account to reflect settlement information regarding your Transactions processed and settled with the EasyTip Services (the “Transaction History”).

8. Timing Of Settlements

(a) Settlements are made by EasyTip automatically in accordance with the Standard Settlement time specified in Schedule 3 (Settlement Times) to these Payment Terms. Vendors may request expedited Settlements by selecting the “Request Fast Settlement” function in their EasyTip Account. Upon such request, EasyTip shall initiate the relevant Settlement as soon as reasonably possible. Fast Settlements will incur additional fees as set out in Schedule 4 (EasyTip Fees) to these Payment Terms.

(b) The transfer of Settlements to the Vendor Account depends on the actions of the financial institutions with which the EasyTip Collection Account and the Vendor Account are held. In normal circumstances, Settlements should be credited to your Vendor Account within 1 or 2 Business Days of EasyTip initiating the Settlement. However, processing times may vary, and EasyTip cannot guarantee that Settlements will be transferred within a specified time period. EasyTip’s initiation of the transfer of a Settlement from the EasyTip Collection Account to the Vendor Account, as evidenced by a transfer confirmation, shall be deemed full and final settlement of the relevant amount owed to the Vendor. EasyTip is not responsible for any action taken, or not taken, by the financial institution with which your Vendor Account is held, that may result in some or all of the funds not being credited to your Vendor Account or not being made available to you in your Vendor Account. 

(c) The Payment Processor, on behalf of EasyTip, reserves the right to change the schedule for Settlements or suspend the making of Settlements to your Vendor Account should we determine it is necessary due to pending Claims, excessive or anticipated excessive Chargebacks or Reversals, or suspicious activity associated with your use of the EasyTip Services, including your failure to meet any verification standards set out in the Agreement

9. Settlement Summaries

From time to time, EasyTip may provide you via your EasyTip Account information regarding anticipated settlement amounts received on your behalf from the Payment Networks. Such information is for informational purposes only and does not create any ownership or other rights in settlement funds; such funds are provisional credits only unless and until such funds are transferred as Settlements to your Vendor Account.  

10. Reconciliations and Errors

(a) Your Transaction History will be available to you in the dashboard set out in your EasyTip Account. Except as required by applicable law, you are solely responsible for reconciling your Transaction History with your actual Transactions. You agree to notify us of any discrepancies arising from such reconciliation and verification. We will investigate any reported discrepancies and attempt to rectify any errors that you or we discover. In the event you are owed money as a result of the discrepancy, as may be determined by EasyTip, acting reasonably, we will transfer funds to your Vendor Account with the next scheduled Settlement. Your failure to notify us of an error or discrepancy in your Transaction History within sixty (60) days of when it first appears in your Transaction History will be deemed a waiver of any right to amounts owed to you in connection with any such error or discrepancy in processing your payments. 

(b) If you submit or cause us to process Transactions erroneously, you agree to contact us immediately. We will investigate any reported errors and attempt to rectify any errors that you or we discover by crediting or debiting your EasyTip Account as appropriate. EasyTip will only correct Transactions that you process incorrectly if and when you notify us of such an error. Your failure to notify us of a processing error within thirty (30) days of when it first appears in your Transaction History will be deemed a waiver of any right to amounts owed to you. 

11. Refunds and Returns

(a) You agree to submit any and all refunds and adjustments for returns of the Vendor Products through the EasyTip Platform to the Customer’s Card in accordance with the terms of the Agreement, the applicable Payment Network Rules, and applicable law. Payment Network Rules require that you: (i) maintain a fair return, cancellation, and adjustment policy; (ii) disclose your return or cancellation policy to Customers at the time of their purchase; (iii) not give cash refunds to a Customer in connection with a Card Transaction, unless required by law; and (iv) not accept cash or any other item of value for preparing a Card sale refund.

(b) Full refunds must be for the exact amount of the original Transaction including tax, handling charges, and other charges. The refund amount may not exceed the original sale amount except by an amount equal to any reimbursements to the Customer for postage costs incurred for product returns. Refunds processed through the EasyTip Platform must be submitted within sixty (60) days of the original Transaction but in all cases, within three (3) days of approving the Cardholder refund.

(c) For processed refunds, we will deduct the refund amount (including any applicable EasyTip Fees) from: (i) Settlements owed to you from the processing of other Transactions; or (ii) funds in any Reserve Account (as defined below). If these funds are not sufficient, you agree to pay all funds owed to us upon demand. You are solely responsible for accepting and processing returns of your products and services; we have no responsibility or obligation for processing such returns.

12. Our Collection Rights

(a) To the extent permitted by law, we may collect any obligations you owe us under the Agreement by deducting the corresponding amounts from the Reserve Account or from funds payable to you arising from the settlement of Transactions. EasyTip Fees will be assessed at the time a Transaction is processed and will be first deducted from the funds received for such Transactions. If the settlement amounts or Reserve Account are not sufficient to meet your obligations to us, you will pay us the full amount immediately upon demand. Your failure to fully pay the amounts that you owe us on demand will be a breach of the Agreement. You will be liable for our costs associated with collection in addition to the amount owed, including without limitation attorneys' fees and expenses, costs of any arbitration or court proceeding, collection agency fees, and any applicable interest. 

(b) In addition to the amount due, delinquent accounts may be charged with fees that are incidental to the collection of delinquent accounts and Chargebacks including, but not limited to, collection fees and convenience fees, and other third parties charges.

13. Reserves

(a) Funds held in reserves are amounts of money set aside to cover Chargebacks, refunds, or other payment obligations under the Agreement (such funds, the “Reserve Account”). EasyTip, in its discretion, will set the terms of your Reserve Account and notify you of such terms, which may require that a certain amount (including the full amount) of the funds received for your Transaction is held for a period of time or that additional amounts are held in the Reserve Account for reasons we determine in our sole and absolute discretion, acting reasonably. For example, we may reserve up to 15% of a Transaction pending confirmation regarding the tax status if the Transaction is a cross-border transaction. We may, in our discretion, elect to change the terms of the Reserve Account at any time for any reason based on your payment processing history or as requested by a Payment Processor.

(b) We may require you to fund the Reserve Account by means of: (i) Settlements made or due to you for Transactions; (ii) other sources of funds associated with your EasyTip Account; (iii) requiring that you provide funds to us for deposit to the Reserve Account. You agree that you are not entitled to any interest or other compensation associated with the funds held in the Reserve Account, that you have no right to direct the Reserve Account, that you have no legal interest in those funds or the Reserve Account and that you may not assign any interest in those funds or Reserve Account.

14. Chargebacks

14.1 Treatment of Chargebacks
(a) A Chargeback typically results when a Customer disputes a charge that appears on their bill. A Chargeback may result in the reversal of a Transaction, with the amount charged back to you. You may be assessed Chargebacks for: (i) Transactions disputed by Customers; (ii) unauthorized (or improperly authorized) Transactions; (iii) Transactions that do not comply with the applicable Payment Processor Rules or Payment Network Rules, the terms of the Agreement, or applicable law or are unlawful or suspicious; or (iv) reversals initiated for any reason by the relevant Payment Network, the acquiring bank under the applicable Payment Network Rules), the relevant Payment Processor, or the relevant Card Provider.

(b) When a Chargeback is made, you are immediately liable to EasyTip for the full amount of the Chargeback plus any associated fees, fines, expenses, or penalties (including those assessed by the relevant Payment Network or Payment Processor). You agree that we may recover these amounts by debiting your Reserve Account or setting off any amounts owed to you by us from time to time. If we are unable to recover funds related to a Chargeback for which you are liable, you will be required to pay us the full amount of the Chargeback immediately upon demand. You agree to pay all costs and expenses, including without limitation attorneys' fees and other legal expenses, incurred by or on behalf of us in connection with the collection of any unpaid Chargebacks unpaid by you.

(c) If EasyTip reasonably believes that a Chargeback is likely to occur in respect of any Transaction, we may withhold the amount of the potential Chargeback from payments otherwise due to you under the Agreement until such time that: (i) a Chargeback is assessed (in which case we will retain the funds); (ii) the deadline by which the Customer may dispute the Transaction under applicable law has lapsed; or (iii) EasyTip determines that a Chargeback on the Transaction will not occur.

14.2 Excessive Chargebacks

EasyTip, the Payment Processor, a Payment Network or a relevant local financial institution may at any time determine that you are incurring excessive Chargebacks. Excessive Chargebacks may result in additional fees, penalties, or fines. Excessive Chargebacks may also result in the imposition of additional controls and restrictions on your use of the EasyTip Service, including: (i) changes to the terms of your Reserve Account; (ii) increases to the EasyTip Fees; (iii) delays in your Settlements; or (iv) suspension or termination of your EasyTip Account and the EasyTip Services. The Payment Networks may also impose additional controls or restrictions on your use of the EasyTip Services under the applicable Payment Network Rules. 



  1. Checkout.com
  2. Stripe
  3. Payermax
  4. Ryft




  1. Apple Pay
  2. Google Pay
  3. Samsung Pay
  4. STC Pay




Standard Settlement:

T+4 business days

Fast Settlement:

T+1 business day







Merchant Fee


Gateway Fee


Settlement Fee


Monthly Subscription





400 AED

Set-up fee


International Card