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Why is my balance different in ‘My tips’ and Account Balance?

Understanding ‘My Tips’ and Account Balance in EasyTip

When using EasyTip, you’ll come across two key figures in your dashboard: ‘My Tips’ and Account Balance. Both are important, but they represent different aspects of your earnings.


Key Differences at a Glance:


  • ‘My Tips’ = Total tips earned to date (unchanged by withdrawals).
  • Account Balance = Tips available for withdrawal (changes with deposits and withdrawals)

What is ‘My Tips’?


‘My Tips’ is the total amount of tips you have earned through EasyTip since you started using the platform. This number reflects the cumulative amount of gratuities received over time, making it a great way to track your overall earnings. Whether you’ve just started or have been using EasyTip for months, this figure will continue to grow as you receive more tips.


Even if you withdraw money from your account, your ‘My Tips’ total remains unchanged. It does not decrease when you transfer funds to your bank, as it serves as a historical record of your total earnings. This helps you track how much you have made since joining EasyTip, making it easier to monitor your long-term progress.


What is Account Balance?


Your Account Balance is the amount of tips currently available for you to withdraw. This balance will change over time depending on new tips you receive and withdrawals you make. If a customer leaves you a tip today, your account balance will increase accordingly. When you transfer funds to your bank account, your balance will decrease by the amount withdrawn.


For example, if you receive a £20 tip today, your account balance increases by £20. If you withdraw £50 to your bank account, your balance decreases by that amount. Your account balance represents the actual funds you can access at any given time.

By keeping track of both figures, you can easily monitor your earnings, plan withdrawals, and get a clear view of your tipping history with EasyTip.